All About Me
I teach your child all four subjects: ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies. We have read “The Circulatory Story” and "Love That Dog" so far this year. We will read several more chapter books in ELA and build writing skills through our curriculum called Wit and Wisdom. We will read “Hatchet,” “Woods Runner,” and “Walk to Moons.
In Math, we will be using iReady Math again this year. Some skills your child will be taught this year that you can review at home: place value, comparing multi-digit numbers, add and subtract whole numbers, round whole numbers, multiplication and division of whole numbers, factors and multiples, multi-step problems, equivalent fractions, add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers, decimals and fractions, comparing fractions converting measurements, perimeter and area, line plots, and angles.
In Science we will be learning about the engineering process, energy, light and sound, plants and animals, energy and ecosystems, Earth and space, changes to Earth's surface, and natural resources.
In Social Studies we will be covering the time period from the French and Indian War to the Civil War.
Ways to help your child be successful: read to and with your child, listen to them read their weekly Wit and Wisdom fluency reading passage and sign that you have heard them read, have your child get on the online Math program iReady if you have internet access, practice multiplication facts, make sure to get good rest at night.
If at any point you have questions or concerns feel free to message me on the Class Dojo app, by email [email protected], or call the front office of the school at 931. 684.7112.